Biblical, Hinduism, Islamic meaning of dreams

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Meaning of Dreams: Dreams are a part of our life, we all come across dreams at some time or the other but sometimes it happens that we see something in our dreams which has a different meaning and if we believe in religious scriptures, then every kind of dream has its own meaning. Even psychology believes that dreams are a kind of “iceberg” i.e. a piece of ice which is about 90% under water and only 10% above. This means that dreams carry some mystery with them.

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Similarly, seeing different things in dreams has different meanings. For example, if we see a snake in our dreams, then it can have both good and bad meanings. Similarly, if we see a loved one in our dreams who is not with us or has died, then it also has a different meaning.


Biblical meaning of dreams

Hinduism meaning of dreams

Islamic meaning of dreams

Meaning of Dreams: So today we know what the Bible says about dreams or if we have seen a dream about someone, then what does it mean according to the Bible. If we see a dream about someone, then this dream is somehow connected to that person, whether it is your own or someone else’s.

In such a situation, we should never ignore dreams. According to the Bible, if we see a dream about someone, then this dream indicates some upcoming event. Suppose if we have seen someone laughing and laughing, then it means that in the coming time he may have to face some kind of crisis. And on the other hand, if we see someone in sorrow and poverty, then it is possible that his coming time will be very good. Not only this, if we see someone in some trouble, then it is possible that some trouble is about to come upon him and it is also possible that he is about to get out of some trouble.

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Also, if you are constantly seeing a dream about someone or someone is repeatedly appearing in your dreams, it means that he wants to give you a hint about some future event. This sign can be both good and bad. That is why pay attention to what circumstances you are in and what mistakes you can avoid at the moment. By doing this, you can not only get relief from the unwanted event coming, but your future can also be more secure.

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Although many things are said about dreams, but there is no need to panic about them because it is not necessary that the dream comes true. The meaning of dreams is just a hypothesis, this hypothesis can be right or wrong, but having unshakable faith in it is always considered wrong. We talk about any religious text, whether it is Hinduism or Christianity or Islam. All have different meanings of dreams, but these meanings should not be adopted with unshakable faith. Rather, taking cues from this, you should do such things to improve your future and present time so that no evil force or bad power can harm you.

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