Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram: On Mahatma Gandhi Punyatithi learn full lyrics of his popular hymn

Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram
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Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram: Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi died on 30 January 1948. 30th January is the death anniversary of Bapu Gandhi. On this day, tribute is paid to him and Bapu is remembered. But it is very important that on this day, along with remembering Bapu, you also remember his ideals and great thoughts and implement them in your life.

Mahatma Gandhi’s full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhiji also inspired great moral and political leaders of the world with his thoughts. He believed that the social, moral and economic progress of any country depends on education. Therefore he believed that character building is not possible in the absence of proper education.

Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts played an important role in teaching the lesson of new change to the world and people all over the world were inspired. The great scientist Einstein had said about Bapu that, ‘Future generations will find it difficult to believe that such a human being made of flesh and blood ever came to earth.’

On the 76th death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, let us know about his ideal and precious thoughts, which will inspire your life. You can also inspire your friends and loved ones by sending them these thoughts of Gandhiji.


Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Patit Pavan Sitaram

Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Patit Pavan Sitaram


Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram

Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram


Sunder Vigraha MeghaShyam

Ganga Tulsi Shaligram

Sunder Vigraha MeghaShyam

Ganga Tulsi Shaligram


Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Patit Pavan Sitaram


Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram

Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram


Bhadhra Gireeshwar Sitaram

Bhagat Jana Priya Sitaram

Bhadhra Gireeshwar Sitaram

Bhagat Jana Priya Sitaram


Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Patit Pavan Sitaram


Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram

Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram


Janaki Ramana Sitaram

Jai Jai Raghav Sitaram

Janaki Ramana Sitaram

Jai Jai Raghav Sitaram


Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Patit Pavan Sitaram


Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram

Sitaram Sitaram

Bhaj Pyare Tu Sitaram

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