Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd and THDCIL join hands to create a pool of trained manpower for energy sector

Tata Power Delhi

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL), a leading power utility supplying electricity to a populace of 9 million in North Delhi and a ‘Mini Ratna’ enterprise of the Government of India THDC India Limited (THDCIL), have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to create a large reservoir of qualified and trained manpower for the domestic energy sector as well as the international players.

The MoU seeks to foster a mutually beneficial framework for cooperation between Tata Power-DDL and THDCIL to organise leadership, wellness & other training programs, workshops, seminars, research initiatives and consultancy projects focused on enhancing skills and knowledge in the energy sector.

The MoU was signed by Mr. Praveen Agrawal, Chief – Human Resource, Industrial Relations, Social Impact Group, Facility Management & Health Services of Tata Power-DDL and Dr. A.N. Tripathi, General Manager (HR & A) of THDCIL in the presence of Mr. Anoop Nandi, Head (BD & Collaboration), Tata Power-DDL, Mr. Ravi Budhlakoti (HRD-THDCIL) and other senior officials of both the companies.

This strategic partnership seeks to leverage the infrastructure facilities of the HRD Takshshila – SLCDC in Rishikesh and the Learning Centre of Tata Power-DDL in Delhi for the development and delivery of advance training programs in cutting-edge domains such as smart grids, grid automation, and complementary technologies.
Speaking on the association, Mr. Praveen Agrawal, Chief – Human Resources, Industrial Relations, SIG, FM and Health Services, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited said, “This privileged partnership with THDCIL – an institution of national importance, is indeed landmark collaboration in the area of cutting-edge training programs for the energy sector. Given the changing landscape of energy sector worldwide, we aim to prepare a highly trained and qualified resource pool for India, but also for world.”

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